Sunday 18 January 2015

Life is journey

Someone though what is life but live everyone. Can you think what make you done completely. In one WORD life is journey. Just like you travel in a train. Everything happened in your 24 hour journey. You though your love one, you make some good friend, you sleep you eat...

So what different in your real life and your 24 hour journey life ? You touch everything in both two condition. So what is Real ? I am searching............

What is real ? who i am..Can i bored in my life at every stage performance. I do every thing in one day is a real stage performance. If I do better than everyone clap her hand or in opposite I do some mistake in stage performance than everyone say you have not a perfect person, you have no any backbone.

So who I am a stage performance or any more. What is my actual life ? Finally where I go.